CINCH Guarantee

Our Guarantee

At CINCH we absolutely appreciate how important it is for every client we work with to gain a significant return on their investment with us. As such we offer what we believe a unique guarantee to you. We do this inside the spirit of working together in a win:win partnership to produce very real and tangible results.

Your CINCH Guarantee

When we complete an Organisational review and work with you over a 12-month period, we guarantee a return on your investment of at least double (x2) the value of your investment. Put simply, whatever you invest, we promise to return that amount in financial outcomes (x2) such as cost savings, cash surpluses, increased revenues, and/or profitability, timely reporting, streamlined services i.e. any and all of the results we assist you in generating over the 12 months from engagement.

Of course, if you don’t believe we have delivered on your investment over a twelve-month period, we will do one of two things. Either:

  1. work free of charge until this is the case OR
  2. return 15% of your investment in cash

What we ask to be able to honour this incredible Guarantee?

  • You agree to provide access to all data and systems required to complete our engagement in full.
  • You and your team agree to and implement any recommendations within the recommended timeframe

Where can we send the free report to?